
  • Praying for Prodigals

    Jesus really is the best story teller. From Luke 15 in the NLT… 11 To illustrate the point further, Jesus told them this story: “A man had two sons. 12 The younger son told his father, ‘I want my share of your estate now before you die.’ So his father agreed to divide his wealth between his sons. 13 “A… Continue reading

  • The Ask vs. The Invitation

    I struggle to ask. Mostly because I, personally, do not like to be asked. Being asked feels like pressure and sometimes even like manipulation or coercion. And we get asked all the time. We get asked for money. Asked for our time. Asked for our opinion. Asked for our approval. And on and on and… Continue reading

  • Such Were Some of You

    Recently our pastor has been talking about how there are ditches to watch out for on either side of any given issue, and I’m noticing more and more how true this is when it comes to the issue of salvation. In ditch one, you will find folks who struggle to believe that the blood of… Continue reading

  • Mother, God Sees You

    To the mother whose child left this earth too soon, God sees you. To the mother whose children have been removed from your care, God sees you. To the mother whose child never took a breath outside your womb, God sees you. To the mother who gave up your rights to give your child a… Continue reading

  • We All Have a Story

    Ever since I was a little girl I’ve loved to read and write. I remember self “publishing” books from as young as first grade, and binge reading my way through elementary in the same way people now binge Netflix. Reading and hearing the stories of people’s lives has been an ongoing fascination of mine. This… Continue reading

  • Ministry of Presence

    For much of my adult life I’ve wanted to do big things with my life–to make an impact that stood out as exceptional. My motive wasn’t for any kind of personal glorification. In fact, I really don’t like to be in the spotlight. I’m much more comfortable working on the “backstage crew”. But, I did… Continue reading

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